
博士, 讲席教授, 研究组长, 博导

博    士 (1994-1997) 北京大学
博士后 (1997-1999) 德国格丁根大学、德国灵长中心



1999-2004年美国犹他大学Research Fellow、美国天普大学Associate Scientist。获2020年国家自然科学二等奖 (排名1), 入选中国高等学校十大科技进展, 获上海市自然科学一等奖 (排名1), 入选上海市领军人才。曾主持国家自然科学基金重点和重点国合项目等。国家重大科学研究计划首席科学家,任美国RB&E杂志Section Editor与数家国际杂志编委,上海市生理科学会理事,中国生殖生物学会理事。发表SCI论文100余篇。获欧洲、美国及中国授权专利。





1. Luo Y, Yin M, Mu C, Hu X, Xie H, Li J, Cao T, Chen N*, Wu J*. Fan C*. Engineering female germline stem cells with exocytotic polymer dots. Advanced Materials. 2023; 35: e2210458.

2. Fang Q, Tian G G, Wang Q, Liu M, He L*, Li S*, Wu J*. Ythdf1 phase separation triggers the fate transition of spermatogonial stem cells by activating the ikappab-nf-kappab-ccnd1 axis. Cell Reports. 2023; 42: 112403.

3. Tian GG#, Hou C#, Li J*, Wu J*. Three‐dimensional genome structure shapes the recombination landscape of chromatin features during female germline stem cell development. Clinical and translational medicine. 2022; 12: e927.

4. Hou C, Zhao X, Tian GG*, Wu J*. Stella Regulates the Development of Female Germline Stem Cells by Modulating Chromatin Structure and DNA Methylation. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2022; 18: 3006.

5. Li X, Zheng M, Xu B, Li D, Shen Y, Nie Y, Ma L*, Wu J*. Generation of offspring-producing 3D ovarian organoids derived from female germline stem cells and their application in toxicological detection. Biomaterials. 2021; 279: 121213.

6. Zhang X-L#, Wu J#, Wang J#, Shen T, Li H, Lu J, Gu Y, Kang Y, Wong C-H, Ngan CY, Shao Z, Wu J* and Zhao X*. Integrative epigenomic analysis reveals unique epigenetic signatures involved in unipotency of mouse female germline stem cells. Genome Biology. 2016; 17: 1-12.

7. Wu C, Xu B, Li X, Ma W, Zhang P, Chen X, Wu J*. Tracing and characterizing the development of transplanted female germline stem cells in vivo. Molecular Therapy. 2017; 25: 1408-1419.

8. Zou K, Yuan Z, Yang Z, Luo H, Sun K, Zhou L, Xiang J, Shi L, Yu Q, Zhang Y, Hou R, Wu J*. Production of offspring from a germline stem cell line derived from neonatal ovaries. Nature Cell Biology. 2009; 11: 631-636.

#并列第一作者 *通讯作者


博士, 副研究员

本    科 (2004-2008) 山东理工大学

硕    士 (2008-2011) 华东理工大学

博    士 (2012-2017) 上海交通大学
博士后 (2017-2021) 上海交通大学








1.      Wang X, Tian GG, Cheng W*, Yu X*, Li X*, Wu J*. Metformin promotes female germline stem cell proliferation by upregulating Gata-binding protein 2 with histone β-hydroxybutyrylation. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2023 May 26; 14(1):144.

2.      Nie Y, Xu W, Tian GG, Li X, Guo Y, Liu X, He L, Shao Z, Li X*, Wu J*. Mechanistic insights into HuR inhibitor MS-444 arresting embryonic development revealed by low-input RNA-seq and STORM. Cell Biol Toxicol. 2022 Dec; 38(6):1175-1197.

3.      Li X, Yao X, Mu C, Wang Z, Hu R*, Chang Y*, Wu J*. Serum- and Feeder-Free Culture of Juvenile Monkey Female Germline Stem Cells and Testosterone Regulation of their Self-Renewal. Stem Cell Rev Rep. 2022 Jan; 18(1):336-345. 

4.      Li X, Zheng M, Xu B, Li D, Shen Y, Nie Y, Ma L*, Wu J*. Generation of offspring-producing 3D ovarian organoids derived from female germline stem cells and their application in toxicological detection. Biomaterials. 2021 Dec; 279:121213.

5.      Zhao Y#, Li X#, Tian G#, Zhao X#, Wong J, Shen Y, Wu J*. Ubiquitin-Specific-Processing Protease 7 Regulates Female Germline Stem Cell Self-Renewal Through DNA Methylation. Stem Cell Rev Rep. 2021 Jun; 17(3):938-951.

6.      Wang Y#, Li X#, Gong X, Zhao Y, Wu J*. MicroRNA-322 Regulates Self-renewal of Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells through Rassf8. Int J Biol Sci. 2019 Mar 1; 15(4):857-869. 

#并列第一作者 *通讯作者



硕    士 (2002-2005) 中国农业大学

博    士 (2010-2015) 厦门大学

博士后 (2015-2017) 上海交通大学医学院国际和平妇幼保健院

博士后 (2017-2020) 上海交通大学Bio-X研究院


主持上海市自然科学基金面上项目1项,重庆市自然科学基金面上项目1项,中国博士后基金新冠肺炎疫情防控专项1项,宁夏医科大学生育力保持教育部重点实验室开放课题(重点孵育项目)1项,上海市兽医生物技术重点实验室开放课题研究基金1项。先后参加了国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目等多项研究工作。获得2019 第三界全国妇幼建康科学技术奖-科技成果奖三等奖(第 8 完成人); 2020 华夏医学科技奖三等奖(第6完成人)



1.Bo Li*, Xiaopeng Hu*, Yanzhou Yang, Mingyan Zhu, Jiong Zhang, Yanrong Wang, Xiuying Pei, Huchen Zhou# and Ji Wu#. GAS5/miR-21 axis as a potential target to rescue ZCL-082-induced autophagy of female germline stem cells in vitro. (2019) Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids. DOI: 10.1016/j.omtn.2019.06.012. 共同第一作者。 

2.Xiaopeng Hu*, Hu Wang*, Geng. G. Tian*, Changliang Hou*, Bo Xu, Xinyan Zhao, Yongqiang Zhao, Qian Fang, Xinyue Li, Lin He, Xuejin Chen, Shangang Li# and Ji Wu#. Offspring production of haploid spermatid-like cells derived from mouse female germline stem cells with chromatin condensation. (2022). Cell and Bioscience. DOI:10.1186/s13578-021-00697-z. 第一作者

3.Xiaoyan Yuan*, Geng.G Tian *, Xiuying Pei, Xiaopeng Hu# , Ji Wu#. Spermidine induces cytoprotective autophagy of female germline stem cells in vitro and ameliorates aging caused by oxidative stress through upregulated sequestosome-1/p62 expression. (2021). Cell and Bioscience. DOI: 10.1186/s13578-021-00614-4. 共同通讯作者

4.Yabin Zhang,Geng G. Tian,Xiang Wang,Changliang Hou,Xiaopeng Hu#,Ji Wu#. Retinoic acid induced meiosis initiation in female germline stem cells by remodelling three-dimensional chromatin structure.(2022). Cell proliferation. DOI: 10.1111/cpr.13242. 共同通讯作者

5.Xinyue Li*, Xiaopeng Hu*, Geng Tian*, Ping Chen, Zezhong Li, Mingyan Zhu, Huchen Zhou#, Ji Wu#.C89 Induces Autophagy of Female Germline Stem Cells Via Inhibition of the PI3K-Akt Pathway in Vitro.(2019). Cells.  DOI:10.3390/cells8060606. 共同第一作者

6.Xiaopeng Hu*, Junping Ao*, Xinyue Li, Huijuan Zhang, Weiwei Cheng #and Ji Wu#. Competing endogenous RNA expression profiling in pre-eclampsia identifies hsa_circ_0036877 as  a blood biomarker for early pre-eclampsia. (2018). Clinical Epigenetics. DOI: 10.1186/s13148-018-0482-3. 第一作者

7.Xiaopeng Hu*,Jiahua Cui*,Jun Chen*,Shujuan Du,XinyuWang,YabinZhang,JiajunQian,HaifengChen,FangWe#,QiliangCai#,JinpingJia#,JiWu#. Identification of hACE2-interacting sites in SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor binding domain for antiviral drugs screening.(2022). Virus Research.  DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2022.198915. 第一作者

8.Fangfang Li, Xiaopeng Hu#, Ji Wu#. Daidzein Activates Akt Pathway to Promote the Proliferation of Female Germline Stem Cells through Upregulating Clec11a. (2022) Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. DOI: 10.1007/s12015-022-10394-0. 共同通讯作者

9.Wenjie Liu, Zhaokai Wang# and Xiaopeng Hu#.Identification of Competing Endogenous RNA and Micro-RNA Profiles and Regulatory Networks in 4-Nonylphenol-induced Impairment of Sertoli Cells. (2021). Frontiers in Pharmacology. DOI:  10.3389/fphar.2021.644204. 通讯作者

10.Zhaojuan Yang*, Bo Xu*, Xiaopeng Hu*, Shuzeng Wang, Haifeng Chen and Ji Wu#.Dynein axonemal intermediate chain 2 plays a role in gametogenesis by activation of Stat3. (2019) journal of cellular and molecular medicine. DOI: 10.1111/jcmm.13945. 共同第一作者

11.Xiaopeng Hu*, Zhenzhou Tang*, Yang Li*, Wensheng Liu,Shuang Zhang,Bingyan Wang,Yingpu Tian,Yinan Zhao,Hao Ran,Wenjie Liu,Gen-Sheng Feng,Jianwei Shuai,Haibin Wang#, and Zhongxian Lu#. Deletion of the tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 in Sertoli cells causes infertility in mice. (2015). Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/srep12982. 第一作者

12.Jiang Li*,Xiang Liu*,Xiaopeng Hu*,Geng G. Tian, Wenzhi Ma,Xiuying Pei#,Yanrong Wang#,Ji Wu#. MicroRNA‐10b regulates the renewal of spermatogonial stem cells through Kruppel‐like factor 4.(2017). Cell Biochemistry and Function. DOI:  10.1002/cbf.3263.共同第一作者。  

13.Xiaopeng Hu, Xinyue Li, Geng G. Tian, Huijuan Zhang, Weiwei Cheng#, Ji Wu#. Expression profiling Dataset of Competing endogenous RNA in pre-eclampsia. (2019). Data in brief. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104795. 第一作者

14. 胡 晓 鹏 , 杨 凡 , 吕 忠 显 。 小 鼠 睾 丸 支 持 细 胞 标 记 蛋 白 表 达 的 研 究 [J]。 生 殖与 避 孕 。 2015, 35( 8): 509-516+524。第一作者。