

1. 教育经历:
2005-2010, 复旦大学, 化学生物学, 博士, 导师: 张明杰院士
2001-2005, 南开大学, 化学, 学士

2. 科研学术工作经历:
2022-至今, 上海交通大学Bio-X研究院, 研究员/长聘副教授,课题组长
2019-2022, 上海交通大学Bio-X研究院, 长聘教轨副教授,课题组长
2013-2019, 中科院上海生命科学研究院, 生化细胞所, 副研究员
2010-2013, 香港科技大学生命科学部, 博士后, 合作导师: 张明杰院士



朱金伟,上海交通大学Bio-X研究院,研究员,博士生导师,科技部科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目青年首席科学家,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者。长期研究细胞极性和细胞骨架蛋白复合物在神经发育及突触信号转导过程的分子机制,同时关注重大脑疾病的病理机制阐释。系统研究了神经突触中关键蛋白复合物在神经突触发育及信号转导中的结构与功能;率先提出酶或酶复合物能自发形成液-液相分离调控神经突触形成和突触可塑性的分子机制。研究成果以通讯作者发表于Mol Cell、Sci Adv、Nat Commun、PNAS、Cell Rep等国际学术期刊。


1. 神经突触发育和信号转导的分子机制;

2. 神经精神疾病的结构生物学基础


1.     Zhang M#, Cao A#, Lin L#, Chen Y, Shang Y, Wang C, Zhang MJ, Zhu J*. (2023) Phosphorylation-dependent recognition of diverse protein targets by the cryptic GK domain of MAGI MAGUKs. Sci Adv. 10;9(19):eadf3295.

2.     Gu J#, Peng R#, Guo C#, Zhang M, Yang J, Yan X, Zhou Q, Li H, Wang N, Zhu J*, Ouyang Q*. (2022) Construction of a synthetic methodology-based library and its application in identifying a GIT/PIX protein-protein interaction inhibitor. Nat Commun. 13(1):7176.

3.     Shi Y#, Lin L#, Wang C*, Zhu J*. (2022) Polarized condensates confer row identity of hair cell stereocilia. J Mol Cell Biol. 14(7):mjac045.

4.     Shi Y#, Lin L#, Wang C*, Zhu J*. (2022) Promotion of row 1-specific tip complex condensates by Gpsm2-Gαi provides insights into row identity of the tallest stereocilia. Sci Adv 8(23):eabn4556.

5.     Zhang H, Lin L, Liu J, Pan L, Lin Z, Zhang M, Zhang J, Cao Y, Zhu J*, Zhang R*. (2021) Phase Separation of MAGI2-Mediated Complex Underlies Formation of Slit Diaphragm Complex in Glomerular Filtration Barrier. J Am Soc Nephrol 32(8):1946-1960.

6.     Lin L#, Shi Y#, Wang M, Wang C, Lu Q, Zhu J*,1, Zhang R*. (2021) Phase separation-mediated condensation of Whirlin-Myo15-Eps8 stereocilia tip complex. Cell Rep 34(8):108770. (1Lead Contact).

7.     Zhang M#, Lin L#, Wang C*, Zhu J*. (2021) Double inhibition and activation mechanisms of Ephexin family RhoGEFs. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 118(8) e2024465118.

8.     Wang M#, Lin L#, Shi Y, He L, Wang C*, Zhu J*. (2020) Structure of the FERM domain of a neural scaffold protein FRMPD4 implicated in X-linked intellectual disability. Biochem J 477(23):4623-4634.

9.     Zhu J#,*, Zhou Q#, Xia Y, Lin L, Li J, Peng M, Zhang R*, Zhang M*. (2020) GIT/PIX Condensates Are Modular and Ideal for Distinct Compartmentalized Cell Signaling. Mol Cell 79(5):782-796.e6.

10.  Lin L, Shi Y, Wang M, Wang C, Zhu J*,1, Zhang R*. (2019) Rab35/ACAP2 and Rab35/RUSC2 Complex Structures Reveal Molecular Basis for Effector Recognition by Rab35 GTPase. Structure 27(5):729-740. (1Lead Contact).

11.  Weng Z, Situ C, Lin L, Wu Z, Zhu J*, and Zhang R* (2019) Structure of BAI1/ELMO2 complex reveals an action mechanism of adhesion GPCRs via ELMO family scaffolds. Nat Commun. 10(1):51.

12.   Weng Z, Shang Y, Ji Z, Ye F, Lin L, Zhang R* and Zhu J* (2018) Structural basis of highly specific interaction between Nephrin and MAGI1 in slit diaphragm assembly and signaling. J Am Soc Nephrol. 29(9):2362-2371.

13.   Weng Z, Shang Y, Yao D, Zhu J*, and Zhang R* (2018) Structural basis of KANK1/KIF21A complex in crosstalk between dynamic microtubule and cell cortex. J Biol Chem. 293(1):215-225. (Lead contact)

14.   Zhu J#, Zhou Q#, Shang Y, Peng M, Weng Z, Zhang R, Huang X, Li S, Feng G, Zhang M. (2017) Synaptic targeting and function of SAPAPs mediated by phosphorylation-dependent binding to PSD-95 MAGUKs. Cell Rep. 21(13):3781-3793.

15.   Xia Y#, Shang Y#, Zhang R, and Zhu J* (2017) Structure of PSD95/MAP1A complex reveals unique target recognition mode of MAGUK GK domain. Biochem J. 474(16):2817-2828.

16.   Bergstralh DT, Lovegrove HE, Kujawiak I, Dawney NS, Zhu J, Cooper S, Zhang R, St Johnston D* (2016) Pins is not required for spindle orientation in the Drosophila wing disc. Development. 143(14):2573-81.

17.   Zhu J#*, Shang Y#, Xia Y, Zhang R, Zhang M* (2016) An Atypical MAGUK GK Target Recognition Mode Revealed by the Interaction between DLG and KIF13B. Structure. 24(11):1876-1885.

18.   Zhu J, Shang Y, and Zhang M* (2016) Mechanistic Basis of MAGUKs-organized Complexes in Synaptic Development and Signalling. Nat. Rev. Neurosci.17(4):209-23.

19.   Zhu J#, Shang Y#, Wan Q, Xia Y, Chen J, Du Q, and Zhang M*. (2014) Phosphorylation-dependent interaction between tumor suppressors Dlg and Lgl. Cell Res., 24:451–463.

20.   Pan Z#, Zhu J#, Shang Y#, Wei Z, Jia M, Xia C, Wen W, Wang W*, Zhang M*. (2013) An auto-inhibited conformation of LGN reveals a distinct interaction mode between the GoLoco motifs and TPR motifs. Structure 21, 1007–1017

21.   Zhu J, Shang Y, Chen J, Zhang M*. (2012) Structure and function of GK domains of MAGUK family proteins. Front. Biol. 7(5): 379–396 (invited review, cover paper)

22.   Jia M#, Li J#, Zhu J, Wen W, Zhang M*, Wang W*. (2012) Structure and Biochemical Characterizations of LGN GoLoco/Gαi Interaction Suggest Scaffolding and Gα Signaling Roles of LGN in Asymmetric Cell Division. J Biol Chem. 287, 36766–36776.

23.   Zhu J#, Shang Y#, Xia C, Wang W, Wen W*, Zhang M*. (2011) Guanylate kinase domains of the MAGUK family scaffold proteins as specific phospho-protein binding modules. EMBO J 30:4986–4997.

24.   Zhu J#, Wen W#, Zheng Z, Shang Y, Wei Z, Xiao Z, Pan Z, Du Q*, Wang W*, Zhang M* (2011) LGN/mInsc and LGN/NuMA complex structures suggest distinct functions in asymmetric cell division for the Par3/mInsc/LGN and Gαi/LGN/NuMA pathways. Mol Cell 43: 418–431



学   士  (2004-2008) 南开大学
硕   士  (2008-2011) 南开大学
博   士  (2011-2015) 中国科学院大学 中科院生物物理研究所







1. Y. Huang#, L. Lin#, X. Liu#, S. Ye#, P. Y. Yao, W. Wang, F. Yang, X. Gao, J. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Yang, X. Liu, J. Zang, M. Teng, Z. Wang, K. Ruan, X. Ding, L. Li, D. W. Cleveland, R. Zhang, and X. Yao*, BubR1 phosphorylates CENP-E as a switch enabling the transition from lateral association to end-on capture of spindle microtubules. Cell Research. 2019, 29(7):562-578.(*:共同第一作者)

2. L. Lin,Y. Shi, M. Wang, J. Zhu*, and R. Zhang*, Rab35/ACAP2 and Rab35/RUSC2 Complex Structures Reveal Molecular Basis for Effector Recognition by Rab35 GTPase. Structure. 2019, 27(5):729-740.

3. Z. Weng, C. Situ, L. Lin, Z. Wu, J. Zhu*, and R. Zhang*, Structure of BAI1/ELMO2 complex reveals an action mechanism of adhesion GPCRs via ELMO family scaffolds. Nature Communications. 2019, 10(1): 51.

4. Z. Weng, Y. Shang, Z. Ji, F. Ye, L. Lin, R. Zhang* and J. Zhu*, Structural Basis of Highly Specific Interaction between Nephrin and MAGI1 in Slit Diaphragm Assembly and Signaling. Journal of American Society Nephrology. 2018, 29(9):2362-2371.

5. L. Lin,X. Song, S. Ye, and R. Zhang*, Structural study on two tandem helix bundles of the ROD domain of talin, an integrin activator,Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2015, 42(6):574-582.

#并列第一作者 *通讯作者