

发布时间:2023-11-21 浏览量:2494

报告主题:A Dive into the Mammalian Genome: Organization, Function, and Evolution

报告人:夏    波 研究员(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)

邀请人:毛亚飞 副教授

时    间:12月1日(周五)15:00—16:00

地    点:徐汇校区小白楼201A会议室


Dr. Xia is Gene Regulation Observatory (GRO) Fellow and a Principal Investigator at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. He is also a Junior Fellow of the Society of Fellows at Harvard University. The Xia lab develops and applies state-of-the-art technologies – both experimental and computational – to drive the discovery in genome sciences, aiming to understand the principles and mechanisms of genome organization, and their dynamic regulation underlying development, disease, and evolution. 


Dr. Xia pioneered a few innovative studies on genome regulation and its impact on human development and evolution. This presentation will talk about the recent work from Dr. Xia’s lab, focusing on transposable element regulation of gene function during development and evolution, and how we use high-throughput in silico genetic screening approach for investigating 3D genome organization and discovering new regulatory mechanisms.